The ultimate marketing guide you need to upscale your small business.

Piyush Sharma
19 min readJul 23, 2021


If marketing was a person, he would have grown more than 5 hands by now; doing different things all in sync with each other.

When I say this, I mean if you ever get a chance to create or observe a company’s marketing strategy; you will see that marketers put in their sweat, blood, and tears in creating different funnels and frameworks.

They do all this so that they can attract new customers, build trust with them and then swiftly convert them into real customers.

different frameworks and strategies working like a machine to attract, engage and convert potential customers into real customers.

A lot of people think that Marketing is just selling products. While it is not that way, rather I would say that selling is just one aspect of it. It has wider horizons that require a deep psychological understanding of customers, demographics, knowledge of global economics, mediums of marketing, and a lot more.

Carry a smile on your face and stick to the end of the article as you will get to know the Alpha and Omega of Digital marketing with examples.

Successful marketers work hard to level up their marketing skills on a regular basis. It is the only way they can become competitive and outclass their competitors. As a marketer myself, these are my learnings from Week 2.

  • The fundamentals of marketing
  • Digital and Traditional marketing
  • CATT Funnel
  • Integrated Digital Marketing
  • Personal Branding: Masstrust Blueprint

So let’s get started.

The Fundamentals of Marketing

The fundamentals of marketing are basically the ground principles of marketing that will always remain intact no matter what happens in the world. People can have different perspectives and opinions about marketing.

A management student can give a definition of marketing that experts in some industries like the ‘pharmaceutical industry’ may not agree upon.

Here we have to note that the differences will always be in the perceptions and experience and not in the fundamentals. The fundamentals will always remain the same. With that being said, let us understand the first fundamental of marketing -

  • The ideal product fit.

The product you create should have a need in the market and should be innovative enough so that people love using it otherwise the customers at large will not use it and all your efforts in creating the product will go in vain.

For example, if you start to create a tissue paper roll dispenser for office desks so that employees can use it after sneezing or coughing.

This may sound like a good idea but there is certainly a very thin market for it. People do not need it in the first place and if you still continue to create such a product, you may end up losing terribly.

Apple created the first touchscreen smartphone in 2007 and was popularly known as iPhone. Before the iPhone came into existence, mobile phones were mostly button enabled and no one could have imagined that mobile phones could be accessed with a human touch.

But Apple changed the narrative and perspective of people because it knew that there is no other product in the market that offers such a concept of touch screen and people will certainly want it. Apple was also very much sure about its reliable technology and the target audience.

So from the above example, we can say that marketing starts even before the creation of the product. You must know what your customers actually need! If you create a product for them, you should be sure that your product will help in solving their problems! And lastly, will you be profitable if you create such a product?

If ‘Yes’ is the answer to all the above questions; you should certainly go after creating your product.

Meet the customers where they are.

To understand this, we need to go a little back in time when we used to go to malls, supermarkets such as EasyDay, BigBazaar, etc.

Can you recall the chocolates, toffees, lollipops, and candies that used to be placed right at the billing counter (adjacent to billing counters)? Yes?

That is the perfect example of a product meeting you at the place where you actually are. How many of you bought those candies just in the temptation to have them without any actual intention of buying them purposefully?

You may not buy those candies if they were not placed that way at the counter or if they were placed at some other place. Isn’t it?

The marketing strategy behind such a placement is customer behavior and human psychology. The longer you wait in queues, the more likely are you to buy them (or maybe your child will push you to buy those candies for him/her).

Similarly, in the digital marketing space, social media is one such place where people spend a lot of time and brands target them with their fan pages, paid ads, and engaging content.

  • Marketing is the game of perceptions

Nikon or Canon?

Samsung or iPhone?

The world can be literally divided into two fragments if people were asked these questions to answer.

This is the position every brand tries to be in so that they can have a loyal customer base who won’t leave anyhow.

People have some perceptions about a brand and eventually, they also develop an unbreakable connection with the brands of their choice. The impact of such a connection is so strong that the perceptions turn into preferences and the ‘Word of mouth marketing’ also comes into play. Apple is one such brand that has a robust loyal customer list.

For me, Levis is better than any other denim brand.

Do you also have a perception or preference for any specific brand? Or Can you recall some more brands that have such followership?

If yes, that is the power of great marketing.

Though building such perceptions in the mind of the customers is a marathon and not a sprint. It takes time, effort and consistency to achieve such a position. But it’s all worth it and brands really reap the benefits of all such efforts.

  • Marketing is a means to the end.

When you achieve success in a great way like if you become a CEO of a multinational company, people will know you more and will trust you more.

Similarly, when businesses achieve great heights, the trust and faith of people in that company tend to manifold multiple times.

At this juncture of success, marketing or deep advertising is not needed for most of the customers as trust is already built and people trust you for your products and services.

If you want to buy a good bike that is comfortable, powerful, and is suited for long cruise rides; it is likely that you will consider Harley Davidson bikes as one of your options because it is the market leader in the cruiser bike segment and doesn’t need any justification for that.

Considering the above example, you will automatically reach out to the Harley Davidson dealership if you want to buy it. Harley Davidson in such a scenario will not need any marketing or advertising activities to convince you to buy a Harley bike.

Reputation Building

A lot of marketers think that once their product or service is sold, they need not care further. By doing this, they lose the opportunity to build a personal connection that can help them in a great way.

Your customer should be happy even after your business transaction is over. Give them good after-sales service. Tell them about your festive season offers. Pitch them referral offers and a lot more. We all have seen such offers during the festive season.

Success comes in little packets and such small gestures will help you build a great business reputation in the long run.

A lot of strong brands such as Royal Enfield, Samsung, HP, Dell enjoy their good relations with their customers and people do recommend their friends about such brands and their products.

Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing

Marketing that uses conventional ways of marketing and advertising is called Traditional Marketing. Some of the primary examples of traditional marketing are Newspaper Ads, TV Ads, billboards, pamphlets, etc.

While marketing methods that use technology and digital mediums are coined as Digital marketing. Some of the iconic Digital Marketing methods are Facebook Ads, Google Ads, SEO, Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, etc.

Both of the marketing exists in the present world but what will suit you the best is a matter of choice, affordability, vision, and goals of your business.

Here I have described both Traditional marketing and Digital marketing with real-world examples and you will certainly agree with me on most of these.

Before stepping into the depth, let us see some figures related to both the marketing methods.

Traditional Marketing:

  • Television users in India ~ 197 million. Television has a reach of about 800 million people to 1 billion people.
  • Radio has a reach of 60% of India’s population.
  • Newspapers have a reach of 465 million people.

Digital Marketing:

  • Internet users in India ~ 650 million (~45%) (Source:
  • Social Media users in India ~ 448 million.
  • Online shoppers ~ 25 million

From these figures, we can say that traditional marketing methods have a wider reach when compared to digital marketing methods. However, we should also keep in mind that internet and social media user penetration are increasing rapidly and digital marketing certainly has a bounty of things to offer which traditional marketing doesn’t offer at all.

Let us understand this with the below example.

If you have a shoe shop and want to advertise it with traditional marketing methods such as newspapers. You will go to the Press agency and you will pay the sum and buy a space in the newspaper to display your ad and you will come back home. The next day you will see your ad in the newspaper.

Following this scenario, think about the following questions -

  • How will you measure the number of customers who came to your shop to buy shoes by seeing that particular newspaper ad? Can you measure it?
  • Secondly, how likely is it that people after seeing your newspaper ad will come to your shop from the other corner of the city. It is likely that only the people who live near your shop may come to buy shoes after seeing your ad. But you have already paid the press agency to publish the ad in newspapers that will be circulating throughout the city. Isn’t it a waste of money to show ads to people who will not even bother to see your newspaper ad because it is neither practical nor convenient?
  • Similarly, small brands spend a fortune on buying billboard space on highways. These may be good for branding but considering the present times, people mostly spend their commute time looking at mobile phones scrolling social media, or while listening to music. Even if they want to look outside the window, they will not see your billboard in particular until it is an exceptional ad.

All the above points show the contrast of how vague traditional marketing methods have become now and also give us a picture that brands should explore and adopt digital marketing mediums because it comes with a lot of benefits.

The following are some of the benefits which only Digital marketing can offer.

  • Measurable results

Digital marketing gives measurable results. Be it social media, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, YouTube marketing; every activity that’s done under the ambit of digital marketing is measurable. If we refer to the above example, you could run a Facebook ad for your shoe shop and would be able to see -

  • How many people have seen your ad
  • How many people have clicked your ad
  • How many people have shop from your ad
  • How many people have visited your store who have seen your ad

All ad platforms give real-time insights and analytics of your ad performance such as view rate, number of impressions, total clicks, etc.

Digital marketing knows no geographical bounds. As long as people are using the internet, you can show your product or service to anyone in the world irrespective of Age, Gender, and Demographics.

  • Affordable

Digital marketing activities are more affordable than traditional marketing ways like newspaper ads, Tv ads, etc. If you want to advertise a product on TV and want to show it to the entire country. You will have to pay hefty sums without any measurable outcome.

Meanwhile, if you choose digital marketing as your medium; you may literally have to spend only a fraction of what you would have spent on the TV ads. Secondly, you can check the Ad analytics, total clicks, total ad views, and cost per click, and more insights with digital marketing methods.

  • Audience targeting

Digital Marketing allows you to target your audience in a much better way than traditional marketing. If you sell women’s products; you can simply have an eCommerce website and list all your products there. Your website can have a payments page and people can easily buy products from there.

It is most likely that women will automatically come to your website and buy their favorite products from there in a hassle-free manner.

Let us assume that we have to promote the same women’s products through traditional marketing ways; say Television or Newspapers. You will certainly miss out on your target audience segment as the ad will be seen by everyone who reads the newspaper or watches television and not just women.

Furthermore, there is no link to buy your product so it will just go away from the screen without any possible return.

Digital marketing is a far better way of marketing in the present times as your brand can have a reach to every digital smart device which your customer is using. You can show your products to your target audience, give them offers, track their behavior and also allow them to buy your product in a seamless manner.

A lot of startup unicorns have achieved great success with their digital marketing efforts. Some of the examples are WhiteHatJr, Byju’s, Zomato, Practo, etc.

  • Brand Building

Brand building is an essential part of a business and this is how people tend to know and remember your business. In the present times, Digital marketing is a great way to build a brand from scratch.

With a lot of eyes on the mobile phone screens, people consume a lot of content all day. If you have got some amazing digital marketing strategies; trust me you are halfway to your brand’s success. Zomato, Swiggy are two great brands that have highly leveraged digital marketing in their brand-building process and we all are live testimonies that Zomato and Swiggy are indeed great brands.

By now, I hope you are with me and on the same page. Also, you will agree with me that digital marketing is better than traditional marketing in many ways.

What we should know about all such great brands is that they all use some marketing funnel or frameworks.

One great marketing funnel which is tried and tested is the CATT marketing funnel that is very well designed and works in sync with the Integrated Digital Marketing framework.

Let us know more about it below

CATT Marketing Funnel

Marketing funnels are imperative to successful marketing campaigns. Funnels can be simply understood as a step-by-step sales process where people enter the funnel and know about your brand first. He goes throughout the funnel and turns out to be an actual customer at the end of the funnel.

CATT marketing funnel is one of the most admired and trusted marketing funnel and is widely used by Digital Deepak for his Digital marketing training business.



[W]= Wealth

[n]= Niche

[C]= Content

[A]= Attention

[T]= Trust


Let us get a wider perspective of these here -


The CATT marketing funnel is the ultimate funnel that you can adopt to create good wealth and a prosperous business in a short span of time.


Niche is the specialization of your business. For example, Digital marketing itself is a niche. There can be more sub-niches in digital marketing such as Social media marketing, SEO, Performance marketing, and more.

Your niche should be according to the market needs and you must choose a hungry market because then only you will be able to serve your customers on a large scale.

If you try to create a tissue paper roll dispenser as I mentioned at the starting of the article, your dreams of creating wealth will always remain a dream as there is no visible market for such a product.

Narrow niches work better because the suppliers in such niches are less and people are ready to pay more. If you think that your narrow niche is very thin and you do not have much to offer, learn, execute and observe that niche thoroughly and once you are successful, you can later widen it into another niche as well.

Example: Digital Deepak was first a motorcycle blogger and later turned into a Digital Marketing mentor.

After all, ‘It’s never too late to do the right thing’


Amazing content has always been the key ruler in a brand’s success. Remember Amul’s mascot girl who always comes up with innovative ads? Even when digital mediums weren’t so popular, Amul used to nail the other ads with its appealing advertisements in the newspapers. That’s the power of good content.

We can recall a lot of such brands who play brilliantly with their content. Isn’t it?

Add range rover Evoque ad

Content does not necessarily mean the written content; Instagram reels, tweets, blog posts, infographics are all types of content through which you can attract, and prompt your viewer to engage with you.


Attention is very important! The content you created in the first step may become useless if you fail to grab the attention of your audience. Use social media, blogs, and paid ads to reach out to your audience and grab their attention.

It is imperative that you build an email list in this step because it will help you communicate with your potential customers on a regular basis and will help you to build trust with your customers in the next step.


Trust is one of the most important things that a business should create in the minds of the customers. And, the trust must be genuine and not just for the sake of minting money from the people.

People do not trust others easily because there is always a chance of duping and no one wants to fall into such a situation.

This is the reason people cannot grow themselves in a significant way because they think that every opportunity offered is a scam.

Businesses should definitely work on developing trust with people because it will help them reap a lot of benefits in the long run.

To generate trust in the hearts and minds of people, businesses should adopt personalized communication very often with the people who are in the CATT funnel. Once done successfully, you can successfully make natural sales.


The transaction is the last step in the CATT marketing funnel. It is certainly the most important step for a business. People at this juncture have completed the entire funnel and are from your target niche. They are here because they are impressed with the content they are seeing from you.

Further, they trust you because you genuinely care for them and are now buying some product or service from you because they think that all the communication you did throughout the funnel makes sense to them and will somehow add value to their lives.

Once they complete all the checkpoints of the CATT funnel in a seamless way, they will buy your product naturally without much effort now.

All you need to focus on is on creating the ideal product for your niche and follow the CATT marketing funnel in the best possible manner.

CATT Marketing funnel is amazingly structured but is just one part of the whole mechanism.

Think about a car or a bike. In order to move further, you are required to accelerate. Just turning on the ignition will always keep you in the same position.

Similarly, to execute the CATT funnel in the best way; you need an Integrated Digital Marketing framework. It has to work in sync with the CATT marketing funnel to get the best results.

Integrated Digital Marketing Framework

Integrated Digital Marketing framework or IDMF is basically the steps of execution where your customer will cruise from one stage to another in a seamless way.

It works in sync with the CATT marketing funnel and the viewer will eventually move from the Content stage to Attention to Trust and then to the Transaction stage. If you have a robust CATT marketing funnel and have synced it with the Integrated Digital Marketing framework; your doors to brand success have certainly opened.

Let us see how it works.

Step 1. Create free content. (CONTENT)

Create great timeless content and in great quantity so that you can use this content in the future as well.

Step 2. Run paid ads for the free content and add people to your email list first. (ATTENTION)

Run paid ads like Facebook Ads, and Google Ads to attract them to your content and offer them content for FREE. Use lead forms to get their email ids and create an email list.

Step 3. Once they are in your email list, build trust with them by sending them personalized communications. (TRUST).

Step 4. Drive them to your website through your emails and keep a check on how many of them visited your website using the link in the email. Simultaneously people who are driving to your website are also increasing the overall dynamics of your website. It will also help you gain better rankings on the Search Engine Results Page. (TRUST)

Step 5. Also share your content on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube so that it simultaneously builds your followership and more people would join in. People tend to share content on social media so you are required to be strong at the Content part. (TRUST)

Moreover, when you have a good social media followership, it also works as a social proof for your new users/viewers.

Step 6. Organize sales calls, webinar sales, and create a sales page to convert your customers. (Transaction)

Both CATT Marketing Funnel and Integrated Digital Marketing framework should work simultaneously like a machine as I said in the first paragraph of this article.

CATT funnel is a framework of how an individual goes through different stages of the funnel and the Integrated Digital Marketing framework is the way you execute it.

It is important to have a strong funnel and framework because once the process is started, people will always stay in some stages every time so if you lose control there; all the efforts will go in vain.

So is there anything else that can transcend the above strategies for business success?

Of course! You can add value to your brand’s success with personal branding. People are always curious to know about the face behind a successful business. We already know some great examples of personal brands such as Elon Musk, Founder of SpaceX and Tesla. Similarly, Ritest Agarwal, Founder of Oyo.

Personal Branding: Masstrust Blueprint

When you have a personal brand of your own; your human existence and not just of your company; people will relate your company with your face and you will be more trusted than ever. People will have faith in your company because they can now see a face, a human being, and will certainly follow you and your business in the same vein.

I personally feel that when your intentions are very much clear; then only you can create a great personal brand. No one can fake intentions and genuine care for others so have clear intentions towards your people, customers, and followers.

Why Personal Branding?

‘The best known will always beat the best’

If you are good at something like painting but no one knows about it! You aren’t capitalizing on it. In such a case, you may have to give up your painting skill sooner or later to meet your living expenses because you are not earning from your painting skills.

To meet your living expenses, you will have to join a job and will have to spend at least 8 hours a day working under someone. This is how dreams are killed.

Before your skill and dreams die, do something about it and make sure that people know you well for the skills you have. This is called personal branding.

In the business world; personal branding works for companies in a great way. Elon Musk, Steve Jobs are two of the great examples of personal brands. People recognize these people as great leaders and trust them and their brands.

Such personalities also become inspiration and mentors for a lot of young entrepreneurs and students.

The perks of Personal Branding

When you have evolved as a successful personal brand, people will trust you and your brand. They will have faith in your products and service.

It is human behavior that people always want to hear from people and not a company logo. If you are sending personalized emails and sending them with your personal name; it is more likely that people will read your email.

If Elon Musk starts another company, he will be able to make it successful in very less time because trust is already built in the minds of people. This is another benefit of personal branding.

Evolution of a Personal Brand


The first and the foremost step in the process of building a personal brand is to Learn a skill. If you want to learn something, make sure you are following the below steps -

  • Understand the concepts
  • Remember the facts
  • Practice the procedures


Practice your learned skills in the real world. Implement the skills you have learned and experiment with them. You will have an insight into what works and whatnot. Have a job, work as a freelancer and practice the procedures.


Blogging is a great way to showcase your work to your audience. Writing is also an amazing way to remember the concepts.


Once you are good at your skills; start consulting people and try to solve their problems with consultations. Consultation is one of the best niches and helps you and your customer grow simultaneously. But, it is essential to gain practical knowledge before consulting.


Mentoring refers to training other people who are junior to you and want to learn from you. If you think that you are not good at something and how you will train others; remember, you do not have to teach the experts. No one is perfect and you can train people who have fewer skills than you.

You will gain a lot of experience in the process of mentoring others.


When you have successfully scaled up as a renowned personality in some field; you will need to have an organization. The reason being people will want to see some tangible organization associated with you otherwise your great personal brand will look vague to them.


Change is the only constant and marketing is definitely not untouched by it. Marketing strategies are ever-evolving and brands come up with robust digital marketing strategies every day. Some succeed some fail but experience always stays.

To prove its mettle, a brand should have a deep understanding of the fundamentals of marketing. Then only will it be able to survive and outclass others.

Brands come up with better strategies and framework that brings success to them. In modern times, Digital marketing is one of the successful ways of marketing. It offers better reach, better insights, and better engagements.

Still, digital marketing has a long way to go because the traditional marketing penetration is still higher than digital marketing.

But nevertheless, startups highly rely on digital marketing strategies, and a lot of them have achieved tremendous success with it.

In addition, the CATT Marketing funnel is one of the most admired and trusted marketing funnels. The funnel helps in creating attention, trust with the best quality content, and personalized communication through emails. Further prompts the viewers to transact.

CATT marketing funnel works best when synced with the Integrated Digital Marketing framework. This is the actual place of action where people tend to move in different stages on several platforms according to the CATT marketing funnel.

In addition, a personal brand dazzles the business’ success and people have more faith in the brand where they can see a human face behind a brand.

About the author:

Piyush Sharma is a Digital Marketing Analyst and Blogger with experience in several Digital Marketing Modules. He runs his Digital Marketing Blog where he blogs about the unique Digital Marketing strategies for small businesses.

